Devotion for Adults 2023 Para el: 16 septiembre
«Whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave» Matthew 20:26, 27.
IN A WORLD in which we are all trying to be first, it’s strange to read a letter like the one a mother sent to her daughter’s violin teacher. The letter was published in the Spanish newspaper El Pais, and among other things, it says, «My daughter wants to be second violin. Not first violin or a soloist; she just wants to play in peace, in the background, because that makes her happy. But the world is made for those who want to be famous, for those who dream of being first
Whereas that girl was content to play in the background, millions of others all over the world are in a mad race to become prominent in everything. They would never settle for being second best! However, a successful orchestra, is not one in which everyone sits at the first violinist’s position, but rather one in which all of its members feel like they are a part of a family in which each member is valuable and important.
Our quest for achieving first place in everything is irrefutable proof of our selfish nature. And although many of us believe «the world is made for those who want to be» prominent, the truth is that the natural place of human beings is that of «second fiddler»—we are not entitled to first place in anything.
The Bible says Christ has «the first place in all things» (Colossians 1:18, GNT). Because of His life, death, and resurrection, Jesus rightfully holds preeminence in all things, both in heaven and on earth. Nevertheless, although He is the first, He did not come to the world «to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many» (Mark 10:45).
The Lord’s proposal of greatness and preeminence to us is far from the world’s viewpoint: «Whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave» (Matthew 20:26, 27). Ambitions for rank, power, and honor are not part of Christ’s plan for human life. Our most noble dream should be to serve others, to «play second fiddler» in order to take happiness to anonymous people who await us.
Remember that you are great in heaven when you are a servant on earth.
Taken from: Devotional Readings for Adults 2023
Collaborators: Lorina Maya & Avineyda Hernández
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