«The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds» 2 Corinthians 10:4, NIV.
AT THE END of every year I review the books I have read during those 365 days and choose which ones influenced my life the most. In 2021, one of the most interesting ones was Heart at Peace: Living with Authentic Emotional Freedom, by Dr. Carlos Fayard. Chapter 4 talks about addictions and offers very revealing details. For example, in ancient Rome a person who had fallen into slavery due to «imprudent behavior» was considered addictus. In our days we could say an «addict» is someone who has willingly become a slave of a situation or inappropriate habit.
Every paragraph of the chapter has instructive statements, and I would like to share one that caused me to reflect: «When studying the neurobiological mechanisms of addictions, one finds that the brain of an individual who is addicted to a chemical substance is exactly the same as the brain of someone addicted .to a behavior.»* Do we feel we have the right to judge and criticize those who are slaves to alcohol, other drugs, or medication, because we assume those who are addicted to substances are worse than we are? Well, ‘our brain and theirs look exactly the same. Why is that?
The prophet Jeremiah says we are «are accustomed to do evil» (Jeremiah 13:23) and that we have accustomed our «tongue to speak lies» (Jeremiah 9:5). The human being is «a slave of sin» (John 8:34). We are addicted to sinful habits that don’t let go of us, that have ruined our character. We have fallen under the tyranny of a master that forces us to commit imprudent acts. Nevertheless, «though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds» (2 Corinthians 10:3, 4).
Many of us fall into addictions because we confront them with weapons built by humans, but the Lord has promised to give us weapons that were forged in heaven, weapons that are «mighty in God»; they will allow us to break down the apparently unassailable wall of our worst addictions.
The power of God that will allow you to break down your bad habits and build a life devoted to good is within your reach.