«God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away» (Revelation 21:4).
IN 1992, Bob Rafsky, an activist in the fight against AIDS, heckled Bill Clinton, then a United States presidential candidate. A visibly upset Rafsky asked, «This is the center of the AIDS epidemic. What are you going to do? Are you going to start a war on AIDS? Are you going to just go on and ignore it? Are you going to declare war on AIDS? Are you going to put someone in charge? Are you going to do more than you did as governor of Arkansas? We are dying in this state. What are you going to do about AIDS?» Clinton began to answer, but Rafsky charged again with more questions. Then, perhaps when there was the most tension, Clinton said one of the most popular phrases in American politics: «I feel your pain.»
Whether Clinton truly felt Bob Rafsky pain or if it was just a clever politician’s catchphrase, is up for debate but we’re not here to judge others. Nevertheless, according to a Psychology Today article, a study conducted by Oregon Health and Science University suggests that there is a physiological possibility of feeling someone else’s pain. As a result, the phrase «l feel your pain» may become a tangible reality for us.
We can be sure of one thing: Christ does feel our pain. Describing the work the Lord would perform, the prophet said, «Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows» (Isaiah 53:4). The Lord can look us in the eyes, take us by the hand, and tell us that He sympathizes with our suffering, that He understands our affliction. In the midst of our tragedies, He tells us, «My heart churns within Me; my sympathy is stirred» (Hosea 11:8). «My insides churn,» says The Message.» And it is no lie, nor is it just lip service; He can indeed feel our pain.
But God’s compassion is not limited to feeling sorry for human pain, but also includes a plan to eradicate it. And that plan will be a definite reality when this promise is fulfilled: «God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away» (Revelation 21:4).
Jesus not only feels our pain, but will also abolish it forever.