«Far be it from us that we should rebel against the Lord» (Joshua 22:29).
Obedience costs a lot, but disobedience costs even more. In her article «Learning to Live With a Yes’ Heart,» American writer and evangelist Lysa Terkeurst said that one day, when she was returning home after giving a lecture, God asked her to make a costly sacrifice. She was exhausted and wished she could take a nap on the plane; however, about to close her eyes and relax against the window, a passenger sat down beside her and began to talk to her. Lysa wanted to sleep, but soon the conversation began to revolve around God. The man asked her questions, and Lysa answered them by showing him stories and passages from the Bible. Suddenly, she felt that God was asking her to give her Bible to that man. «It wasn’t just any Bible. It was underlined and full of tears . . . I started arguing with God in my head, but His message was clear. I had to give my Bible to that man.» Obeying, Lysa gave it to him, and the man promised to read it. About a month later, the man called her to tell her that he had taken a week’s vacation to read the Bible. He had begun to attend a church, and God was transforming his life. Imagine for a moment what would have happened if Lysa had ignored the impulse of the Holy Spirit. . . She would have lost the privilege of being part of a beautiful miracle! Obedience is costly, but disobedience is extremely costly.
Disobedience robs us of miracles, promises, and opportunities to see God’s glory manifest. It costs us much more than anything we have to sacrifice in order to obey. Therefore, we must train our hearts to hear and obey the most delicate whisper of the Holy Spirit so that the idea of disobeying God fills us with holy fear and so we can trust, even if we do not see the results immediately, that God will abundantly reward our faithfulness.
Lord, I wonder how many times I have ignored Your requests, how many times I said «no» simply because I was tired, scared, or selfish. Please forgive me! I want to obey You in everything. I want to welcome Your «interruptions» even if they change my plans or my routine. Please sharpen my ears and prepare my heart to obey You, Lord. Obedience has a great reward!