«But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law» (Galatians 5:22, 23).
WHEN I TRAVEL TO OTHER COUNTRIES, as I’m nearing the customs and immigration booths, if at all possible, I usually study the immigration officers’ faces before deciding what line to get into. The idea is to go to an officer who has one of those «yes faces. »
What is a «yes face»? you may ask. Charles Swindoll illustrates this well in an anecdote about Thomas Jefferson when he was President of the United States. The story goes that Jefferson and a group of friends were traveling on horseback across a field when they came to a river that had overflowed because of heavy rains. The bridge had been destroyed, and it was very clear to the horse riders that, if they wanted to cross the river, they would have to do so at the risk of their lives.
As one by one the riders were carefully crossing the river, a man who wasn’t part of the group, and who did not have the courage to cross, asked President Jefferson if he would take him across. The President agreed, and soon both men were safely on the other side. Then, out of curiosity, one of the group members asked the stranger.
«Friend, why did you choose the President to help you?»
«The President?» the man asked in surprise. «I didn’t know he was the President. What happened was that on some of your faces I saw a «no.» But I saw a «yes» on his face instead.»‘
When I read this story, I wondered: What do people see in my face: a yes or a no? What did people see in Jesus’s face? I can’t answer the first question, but I dare to answer the second question by saying that there was a great «yes» written on our Lord’s face. Otherwise, how could you explain the fact that children went to Him without any fear, and that people of all ages sought Him, knowing they would not be rejected?
Let’s pray that Christ will dwell in our hearts today, through His Holy Spirit. Only then will the fruits of the Spirit be manifested in our lives, and we will reflect the beauty of His character more and more, as the following promise states, «Those with whom Christ dwells will be surrounded with a divine atmosphere. Their white robes of purity will be fragrant with perfume from the garden of the Lord. [And] their faces will reflect light from His. «—Messages to Young People, ch. 142, p. 420.
Dear Jesus, may the refining influence of Your Spirit purify my heart and may my life reflect the sweetness of your character.