«Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?» (Luke 14:28, NIV).
THE LORD JESUS SPOKE the words of today’s verse when He warned the multitudes about the cost of following Him, «Whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple» (Luke 14:27).
In His distinctive style of explaining great truths about the plan of salvation in a simple way, Jesus illustrated what he meant: What wise person begins a construction project without first estimating the cost of building? What king, in their right mind, goes out to war with an army of ten thousand to face someone who comes against him with twenty thousand?
No doubt, He alludes that it is not enough to simply be His followers; the Lord Jesus wants us to be His disciples; and as such be willing to «pay the cost» of discipleship. What is that cost? To surrender everything, without holding anything back: «In the same way, those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples» (v. 33).
The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary summarizes the meaning of these words pronounced by the Lord, «The ‘cost’ of discipleship is the complete and permanent renunciation of personal ambitions and of worldly interests.» And then it this emphatic statement: «Whoever is not willing to go all the way, should not even begin.» In other words, true disciples estimate the cost well and, with the Holy Spirit’s help, make a complete surrender every day! To them, Christ is the first and the best; everything else takes second place.
Is God asking for too much when He speaks of giving everything up out of love for Him? No, for at least three important reasons. On the one hand, let’s remember that the Lord will never ask us to give up something that is for our own good. On the other, let’s never lose sight of the fact that He who began a good work in us will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:6). When we are asked to carry our cross, let’s remember that He will carry it with us until the end. Our cross is also His cross! At last if Jesus’s calling means giving everything up out of love for Him, isn’t that exactly what He did on the cross, out of love for you and me?
Lord Jesus, when I think about how much You suffered to save me, even though You were innocent; I gladly agree to carry Your cross. But, please, help me carry it all the way! I don’t want to fail You, not for anything in the world!