«But as one of them was cutting a tree, his ax head fell into the river. ‘Oh, sir!’ he cried. ‘It was a borrowed ax!’ « (2 Kings 6:5, NLT).
I’ve always preferred small miracles to big ones. The fact that God parted the Red Sea is phenomenal. That the dead were resurrected is absolutely spectacular, however, the fact that Jesus used His power to turned water into wine at a wedding in Cana, just so that the hosts would not be embarrassed, is so kindhearted and personal. God is sublime, yes, but He is also incredibly close to us. God is eternal, but He also pays attention to every second of our lives.
One of the stories that best illustrates God’s interest and affection in our daily lives is the story of the man who borrowed an axe (2 Kings 6:1-7) A group of men was felling trees by the Jordan River to expand the school of the prophets. As they worked, sweating in the sun, an axe head flew off and sank into the brown water of the river. Iron was not cheap at the time and the axe head must have fallen into the deep part, because they couldn’t find it. Then the man panicked and shouted, «It was a borrowed axe!» Actually, I would have shouted, too. Imagine a friend lending you her car and you crash it; or she lends you a limited-edition book autographed by the author, and you drop it in the bathtub. Wouldn’t you panic? Not only is the object at risk, but so is your friendship with that person. Believing that God would honor even this ordinary need, Elisha cut off a stick and threw it into the water . . . and the axe head floated to the surface.
God is great, but He also cares about the little things. The Bible says that even our hairs are numbered (Matthew 10:30). God is deeply interested in being involved in our everyday life. Christian author Jennie Allen described Him in Restless with these words: «God cares about eternity, but every second of every human being’s life matters to Him. This is the God we serve. When we believe that God is only great and that He is only interested in eternal and heavenly things, we lose something . . . [the fact that] Jesus loved each individual deeply and met his or her unique needs.»
Dear Lord, thank You for paying attention to every aspect of my life. There’s no room in my heart for cynicism because Your love and care are constant.