«But I tell you this—though he won’t do it for friendship’s sake, if you keep knocking long enough, he will get up and give you whatever you need because of your shameless persistence» (Luke 11:8, NLT).
«And the winner of the Oscar of faith is . . .» Imagine a flashing of hundreds of paparazzi taking pictures. Tonight is the night in which the winners of the Academy Awards will be revealed! Who will receive the coveted statuette? Perhaps Peter, for daring to step off the boat and take the water? Perhaps the woman in the crowd who touched Jesus’s robe?
Perhaps John the Baptist, whom Jesus described as the greatest of all prophets? No, none of them! During His earthly ministry, Jesus only awarded an Oscar of faith to two people. He publicly praised only two people for their impressive trust in God. It is interesting to note that neither of them were Jewish or religious leaders. The first Oscar was awarded to the Roman centurion, who told Jesus not to bother going to his house, to just give the order and his servant would be healed. Amazed, Jesus told the multitude: «I tell you, I haven’t seen faith like this in all Israel!» (Luke 7:9, NLT). The second Oscar was awarded to the Canaanite woman whom Jesus compared to a dog. Unperturbed, she persevered and asked for the crumbs that fall off the table. Jesus told her: «Your faith is great. Your request is granted» (Matthew 15:28, NLT).
What was so special about the faith of those two people for Jesus to praise them so much? They had faith like that of children: innocent and persistent. In A Praying Life, Christian writer Paul Miller reflects, «Young children do not imagine their parents will not say yes in the end. They know if they keep on pestering their parents, they will consent. But when we grow up, we lose our innocence and become more cynical. Disappointments and broken promises become the norm, and we stop dreaming.» Jesus awarded an Oscar of faith to the centurion and the Canaanite woman to remind us that innocent and persistent faith will be rewarded.
Do not give up on praying, a great reward awaits you!
Dear Lord, I often lose patience and hope when praying, or I allow cynicism to rob me of my trust in You. Please revive my faith! Help me to return to the innocence of childhood, to pray with bold perseverance.