Devotion for Adults 2022 Para el: 29 mayo
«Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said. «I will never leave you nor forsake you» (Hebrews 13:5).
WHEN JAMES HUDSON TAYLOR, founder of Chinas Inland Mission, died in 1905, he set up some two hundred missions, with more than eight hundred missionaries and thousands of converts. How was he able to achieve so much despite all the challenges he faced?
In 1867, Taylor lost his daughter, Grace, to brain disease. In 1870, his wife, Mary Dyer, died a few days after giving birth to a son, who also died. On several occasions, his life and that of other missionaries were jeopardized during the political uprisings that plagued China at the time. And as if all that were not enough, he was often slandered, some of it coming from other missionaries! At one point, he was under so much pressure that he even came close to considering «the horrible temptation to take his life.»
Then came an event that changed his life forever. Taylor was at a missionary station in Chin-kiang in the fall of 1869, when he read a letter from another missionary, John McCarthy. In his message, McCarthy revealed to him a «secret»: «Let my loving Savior fulfill His will in me. Remain in Him, without struggle or toil, with eyes set on Jesus, and relying only on Him to grant us power.
After that, Taylor would write of the joy that invaded his heart: «As I read the letter, I realized everything. ‘If we are faithless, He remains faithful’ (2 Timothy 2:13). Then I fixed my eyes on Jesus, and when by faith I saw Him, I remembered what He said, «I will never leave you nor forsake you.» In vain I have struggled to remain in Him, but I will no longer fight. Has He not promised that He will be with me, that
He will never leave me nor forsake me?»
The challenges and difficulties did not go away, but James Hudson Taylor had found a source of joy that no one could take away from him: the promise of the One who had said, «I will never leave you nor forsake you.»
What about you? Are you «fighting» to remain in Christ? Don’t fight anymore. Does the man who is in love fight to win the love of the woman who already loves him? Of course not. Just the same, don’t fight to have someone by your side who has promised to be with you every day, until the end of the world. Just stay in communion with Him every day, giving Him your praise, and receiving His grace. And when problems arise, remember that Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you. How could He leave you after all He has suffered to save you?
Heavenly Father, today I want to remember that You will never leave me, and that nothing in this world can separate me from Your love. Absolutely nothing!
Taken from: Devotional Readings for Adults 2022
Collaborators:Xiomara Perdomo & Angelica Cuate
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