Devotion for Adults 2022 Para el: 06 mayo
«The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit» (Psalm 34:18).
DO YOU EVER FIND THAT just when you want to rest, there is one interruption after another? Scripture records a similar event experienced by the Lord and His disciples. The day had been so hectic that they hadn’t even had time to eat. Then Jesus told them to seek a deserted place to rest (see Mark 6:31). That’s how they came to board a boat, and got to the chosen site, but a crowd was waiting for them there! (v. 33). In other words, goodbye rest! How did the Lord react to all of this? Scripture says that, seeing the great multitude, He «was moved with compassion for them, because they were like sheep not having a shepherd. So He began to teach them many things» (v. 34).
This is the kind of Savior you and I have. A compassionate and merciful Savior who, between His well-being and that of His children, always prefers to put the needs of His children first. A Savior who, because He is «like His brethren» (Hebrews 2:17)—albeit «without sin» (4:15)-fully understands the suffering of each of His children. He knows what causes us pain and always does something to alleviate it.
This attribute of our Lord is illustrated well by Max Lucado in his book In the Eye of the Storm, with the story of a child who went to a pet shop to buy a puppy. After making his selection, he asked the seller about the price of that particular breed of puppies, and promised to return to buy it.
Within a few days he returned, paid the price, and went looking for his pet: a puppy with a limp!
«My little friend,» the salesman said, trying to dissuade him, «that puppy won’t be able to play with you because he has a limp.»
«Thank you,» the boy replied, «but it’s just the pet I was looking for.» And with those words, he headed toward the exit of the store. The salesman was about to say something else to him when he observed something that instantly silenced him: the child also had a limp. Why his interest in that puppy? «Because the child knew,» Lucado writes, «what it feels like.» What it feels like when you’re ignored, rejected, or put aside because you have a physical defect.
Here is something to remember today: if right now suffering is consuming your body or your heart, Jesus knows how you feel, and will in good time do something to alleviate it.
Thank You, Jesus, for being close to the brokenhearted, and for saving those with crushed spirits.
Above all, thank You because, in order to save me, You had to suffer the cruel punishment I deserved.
Taken from: Devotional Readings for Adults 2022
Colaboradores: Xiomara Perdomo & Angelica Cuate.
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