Daily Devotions for Juniors 2021 Para el: 12 agosto
Underline the correct answer
2. Jesus
3. John the Baptist
Do you have a world map or a globe?
Go find it and notice that on the top and on the bottom of the earth, there are two areas painted white.
They are the North Pole, on the top part; and the South Pole, at the bottom of the earth.
Where do you think it is colder, in the North Pole or in the South Pole? Although in the North Pole in summer you can reach thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit below zero (-32° F), the South Pole is much colder, so it is a place where no one can live, and there are few animals and plants.
Scientists discovered that in Antarctica, at the South Pole, temperatures of seventy degrees Fahrenheit below zero (-70° F) have been recorded! In that place everything is frozen in an instant. No one can live there because the sun’s rays barely have an impact.
However, in places of the earth where it is always hot, the sun’s rays radiate perpendicularly; that is why they reach the surface more directly and heat it up more.
The closer we are to the sun’s rays, the warmer we are.
In your life there will always be times when you will feel the chill of a new city, of a school where you don’t know anyone, of classmates who ignore you … When Jesus was here on earth, He said that evil would increase and that the love of many would grow cold, which means that most people would stop feeling love toward others.
We become colder and more selfish, we just think of ourselves, and we are very far from Jesus. However, when we approach Jesus, we become more sensitive to His warmth and love, be-cause the Bible says that He is the Sun of justice. In your Prayer Journal, ask Jesus to help you come closer to him.
Daily Devotions for Junior 2021
Collaborators:Landon Vera.
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