Daily Devotions for Juniors 2021 Para el: 11 agosto
Underline the correct answer
a. Everything that breathes
b. Everyone
c. Every plant
Have you ever snorkeled under water?
If you like snorkeling, you know you can’t hold your breath for a very long time without going up for air.
Fishermen in some countries can hold their breath for about five to twenty minutes at a depth of sixty-five feet, because their lungs are trained to be able to withstand more pressure.
Would you be able to hold your breath that long? Of course not! You would need special training and what’s more, it’s very dangerous, only some adults can do it.
A normal person without training can only hold their breath for a matter of seconds.
Do you know why? Because God installed a protective system in your brain that forces you to get air, which has oxygen. When we stop breathing, carbon dioxide accumulates in our blood and lungs; that’s why the brain forces you to get air immediately. When God created Adam from the dust of the earth, the Bible says that He “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being» (you can read about it in Genesis 2.7).
God Himself gave us air so human beings animals, and plants could live; He created us to breathe. Everything that breathes is a living being.
Jesus loves you very much and He is the One who gives you life. Don’t
ever stop breathing and praising Him every day of your life!
Praise Him today by writing your favorite song in your Prayer journal.
Daily Devotions for Junior 2021
Collaborators: Landon Vera y Keily Vera Cruz
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