Daily Devotions for women’s 2021 Para el: 12 agosto
“See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise” (Ephesians 5:13)
EURIPID£S, a Greek writer born around 480 BC, expressed the follow up thought: “It would have been far better for men to have got their children in some other way, and women not to have existed. Then life would have been good.” His intention was to make clear that woman was evil and directly responsible for the wrong actions of man. He openly despised a part of God’s creation, that same creation about which God said, “It is very good.” It is interesting how he labeled the woman as “a necessary evil,” at least until men find another way to procreate without her. Is it true that we are a necessary evil?
Women were made with holy purposes and we should be careful not to be a stumbling block for anyone. Social coexistence between men and women is inevitable, and at the same time, it is desirable since God created both to grow together. In coexistence, we complement each other and help each other to grow, if we have the right attitude that allows this to be possible.
Prudence, delicateness, courtesy and respect should be the parameters that we always use in our relationships with men. The inspired pen said, “I write with a distressed heart that the women in this age, both married and unmarried, too frequently don’t maintain the reserve that’s necessary. They act like coquettes. They encourage the attentions of single and married men, and those who are weak in moral power will be ensnared.
These things, if allowed, deaden the moral senses and blind the mind so that crime does not appear sinful.
Thoughts are awakened that would not have been if woman had kept her place in all modesty and sobriety.
She may have had no unlawful purpose or motive herself, but she has given encouragement to men who are tempted, and who need all the help they can get from those associated with them.
By being circumspect, reserved, taking no liberties, receiving no unwarrantable attentions, but preserving a high moral tone and becoming dignity, much evil might be avoided” (The Adventist Home, ch. 55, pp. 331, 332).
Women, married or single, we are pan of God’s wonderful creation so, we should understand it, feel it, and live it. Let us not damage our dignity by committing apparently innocent acts that could cause destruction, chaos, and grief. Let us be careful; let us not overstep the limits of purity.
Take From: Daily Devotions for Women’s 2021
BY: Erna Alvarado Poblete
Collaborators: Lorina Maya & Magda S
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