Daily Devotions for women’s 2021 Para el: 08 agosto
“Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work
which God had created and made»
Genesis 2:3).
“PHOBIA” is a term commonly used in current society. Experts have defined it as a “very intense irrational fear of a thing or situation that generates uncontrollable anxiety.» Phobias have become a psychological and psychiatric problem that’s more frequent every day in consultations, as a result of the modern lifestyle that puts a lot of emotional, social, physical, and spiritual pressure on individuals.
This industrialized, competitive, and rapidly changing society requires constant productivity leading many people to a new type of phobia: the phobia of not having anything to do. The need to be busy all the time has been transformed into an obsession for many; they don’t allow themselves time to rest, reflect, meditate, relax, and play games without feeling guilty. Women, especially mothers and wives, know what I am talking about. We create the feeling of having pending tasks, jobs, and endless obligations.
It’s important to recognize that there is a certain type of free time thats very productive; 1 mean what leads us to periods of physical and mental relaxation that allow us to recharge lost energy and to develop closeness with people we love which makes us feel fulfilled and motivated. Taking a break from tasks and daily time to develop intimacy and companionship with God gives peace and at the same time helps to keep us busy in what’s really vital. Playing activities with the family as well as a simple conversation with your child, husband, or friends are good healing sources for the soul since they create deep emotional ties.
God, in His infinite wisdom and aware of our reality, has given us a special time for rest and communion. The Lord says that the Sabbath was created for man so that we might find rest in it. Let us be prudent in the use that we make of the sacred hours of the Sabbath, and with God’s help, let us set up our priorities. Living as a family, communion with our siblings, and service to our neighbors are some of the activities that give us rest and complete health.
Take From: Daily Devotions for Women’s 2021
BY: Erna Alvarado Poblete
Collaborators: Lorina Maya & Magda S
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