Daily Devotions for Juniors 2021 Para el: 29 julio
Underline the correct answer
a. John the Baptist
b. Jesus
c.The disciple John
Have you seen a lamb being born?
They are white and soft, and make you want to hug and cuddle them.
The first to see lambs being born were Adam and Eve. They and their children probably played with the lambs, petted them, and cared for them.
One day, God told Adam and Eve that every time they made a mistake, they had to sacrifice one of those little lambs they loved so much on an altar. That way, the little lamb would pay for their faults. How sad, right?
Can you imagine the grief that Adam and his family must have felt every time a little lamb had to die because of their mistake? That made them realize the wrong they had done and repent from it.
In addition, God wanted to teach them what His plan was to save them from evil, from Satan. They would understand that Someone innocent, who had done nothing wrong, would come to earth so that they could be forgiven.
God promised Adam and Eve that one day the Messiah would come to this world to die for everyone. And who is the Messiah? He is Jesus. That’s why John the Baptist called Him «the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.»
When Jesus died, it was no longer necessary for more lambs to die, because the promise God had made to Adam and Eve had been fulfilled. The Lamb of God, Jesus, died for you and for me, although He was innocent.
But He did it because He loves us so much.
Why don’t you sing hymn number 75 today? Look for it in the Adventist Hymnal and invite your family to sing it. It is titled «The Wonder of It All.»
Draw a lamb in your Prayer Journal and write the first verse of this hymn.
Daily Devotions for Junior 2021
Collaborators: Keily Vera & Landon Vera
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