Daily Devotions for women’s 2021 Para el: 06 julio
«For none of us lives to himself, and no one dies to himself’ (Romans 14:7).
SHE WENT UP AND DOWN the musical scale, making mistakes; however. the lyrics of her song were perfect. «God has an angel for you no matter where you are,» said her song. I could only see her little feet moving quickly. Going and coming, singing, greeting, and smiling. At that hour of the morning, listening to her was like seeing the sunshine.
When I opened the door, she was in front of me with a wide smile, and after a friendly «Good morning, ma’am,» she handed a piece of paper in my hands and continued her task. «You are that angel,» I thought, moved, and then I thanked her with a coin I placed in her hand that she accepted it with a nod, in a gesture of amazing courtesy.
That lady barely passed through my life, but I know that it was not by chance. Why do I know that? Because she taught me a great lesson on service, just when I was going to speak to a group of ladies about the joy of service. Nevertheless, there was a great difference between her and me: what I was going to give were words supported by a PowerPoint; what she had given me was a lesson in action. As often is said, «a picture is worth more than a thousand words;» and that picture has never left my mind until now, and I can share it with you.
I left the women’s restroom at the airport where I heard that song and I walked slowly, thanking God for the lesson I had received from a simple woman who was making her job a mean of sharing joy and happiness with all other women who came across. Regardless of our role in life, we will always affect others positively or negatively with the way we are. How do you want your influence to be—positive or negative?
Dear friend, we have to be conscious that our presence—what we say and what we do before others—causes an impact for good or for evil. Whether in the family, at work, in the church, or in the street (at an airport, for example), let us not forget to model before people the virtues that should show all that makes us be called, «Christian women.»
Let us pray each day that we might reflect Jesus’s character
Take From: Daily Devotions for Women’s 2021
BY: Erna Alvarado Poblete
Collaborators: Lorina Maya & Magda S
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