Daily Devotions for Juniors 2021 Para el: 26 julio
Underline the correct answer
a. The kingdom of God
b. The kingdom of the universe
c. The kingdom of Jerusalem
Do you live in a kingdom? A republic? Who leads your country?
Some countries such as Spain or the United Kingdom have a king or queen; that’s why people living there belong to a kingdom.
Have you ever heard of the kingdom of heaven? I’m sure you have. The kingdom of heaven is mentioned many times in the Bible, about fifty times in Matthew, sixteen times in Mark, forty times in Luke, and three times in John.
Do you know who the king of the kingdom of heaven is? The kingdom of heaven is also called the kingdom of God. Therefore, the King of the kingdom is Jesus; it’s God Himself.
Where is the kingdom of heaven? As you may have already imagined, it’s not located in our planet, but comes from heaven.
How can we know what the kingdom of heaven is like? Jesus came from that kingdom to show us how God is and give us the good news that one day everything will be eternal and there will be no more sadness, because nobody will feel pain, nobody will die, and everyone will be happy and live peacefully, because there won’t be any evil. Jesus told everyone that we would soon be in the New Earth where He will be the King and we’ll live happily.
Even though we still can’t go to that kingdom or New Earth, Jesus taught us how to enjoy belonging to that kingdom now. How? Trust Jesus, seek the kingdom of God, and put all your attention on it and not on the things of this earth. Put Jesus first in your life and you’ll be very blessed. In addition, Cod will give you everything you need in order to be happy.
Look up the song «Seek Ye First» and sing it with your family. Then write down the words to the song in your Prayer Journal.
Daily Devotions for Junior 2021
Collaborators: Keily Vera & Landon Vera
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