Daily Devotions for Juniors 2021 Para el: 06 julio
Underline the Correct answer
a. Praying for someone
b. Praying in the church
c. Praying on your knees
Do you like to pray for others?
Perhaps you have been praying for your sick granny, a Friend, or a family in the church that is going through a hard time.
You have likely heard about intercessory prayer, but do you know what it means?
If you look up the word “intercessor” in the dictionary, it says that it is someone who intercedes, that is, “speaks on behalf of someone so that they can get something or become free from something bad.”
The Bible says the Jesus is our intercessor with the Father. Jesus always prayed for His disciples to be united with each other and with God. And He intercedes for us before His Father, every time we do something wrong, so that God will forgive us.
If you notice, every time we pray, we say at the end “in the name of Jesus.” Thanks to the death of Jesus, we can be saved and be closer to God.
There are people who think that you must be holy or very good to pray for others, but all Christians can pray for each other.
When the apostle peter was in prison, the whole church prayed for him, not just a few of them. The apostle Paul also asks the churches of Rome and the Colossians to pray for him.
In the same way, you too can put intercessory prayer into practice.
Write an intercessory prayer in your Prayer Journal. You can pray for politicians, pastors, your friends, the sick…. even for your enemies!
Daily Devotions for Junior 2021
Collaborators: Keily Vera & Landon Vera
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