Devotion for Adults 2021 Para el: 30 julio
«Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints» (Ephesians 6:18).
WARREN WIERSBE STATES that prayer is the energy that empowers the Christian soldier to wear the armor and wield the sword.
We must always pray. The attitude of communion and prayer must be permanent, not only to ask, but also to thank, to confess, to praise and to intercede.
We must pray in the Spirit. We pray to the Father through the Son in the Spirit. It is the Spirit who accommodates and transforms our sinful prayer into wise pleads.
«Prayer is a mighty instrument, not for getting man’s will done in heaven, but for getting God’s will done on earth»
(Robert Law).
We must pray, watch, and work. Ellen G. White tells us that there are three slogans in the Christian life that must be observed if we want to prevent Satan from winning our lead: «Watch, pray, work . . . Your only safety is to live like a watchman. Watch and pray always» (Testimonies to the Church, vol. 2, p. 283).
In the faraway continent of Africa, a young man was born and raised named K’naan, which in its original Somali language means «traveler.» He grew up between wars and famines. Today he no longer suffers in his native Somalia due to his greatest success: to produce the official anthem of the 2010 World Cup hosted by South Africa, entitled «Wavin’ Flag.» From the lyrics of this song, these phrases stand out: «When I get older I will be stronger. A violence-prone, poor people zone. Learn from these streets, it can be bleak. Accept no defeat, surrender, retreat. So we struggling, fighting to eat. And we wondering when we’ll be free. So we patiently wait for that fateful day. They’ll call me freedom just like a wavin’ flag.»
Like K’naan, we are suffering travelers. Jesus raised up, with His life, His bloodstained flag, paying the price of our redemption. Today we must raise up the flag of hope. Accept no defeat, surrender, retreat. By struggling, we will soon reach the end of the journey, to the promised Canaan, where we will sing the inaugural official anthem of the restored universe. Accept no defeat, surrender, or retreat, because these days are not so far away.
«If we ever reach heaven, it will be by linking our souls to Christ, leaning upon Him, and cutting loose from the world, its follies and enchantments . . . We must believe and work and pray and watch and wait. . .The end of all things is at hand. There is need now of men armed and equipped to battle for God» (Testimonies for the Church, vol. 6, p. 148).
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