Devotion for Adults 2021 Para el: 22 julio
«Therefore be imitators of God as dear children» (Ephesians 5:1).
IN EPHESIANS 5, the apostle Paul offers seven wise thoughts:
Paul tells us that we must imitate God in love and sacrifice in favor of others. The fed. Adventist message in South America was introduced because Jorge Riffel renounced his comforts and friendships in the United States and prioritized the spread of the gospel and the salvation of his former acquaintances and many strangers. His mission and conviction were strengthened by the support of three families who also left everything, and traveled with him: the Frick, Yanke, and Zimmermann families.
Pastor Rolando Bernhardt Hetze, a descendant of the pioneers, recounts in the in the book Crespo, Mother Church, that years later when Juan Riffel, in a session of the General Conference talked about his grandfather Jorge, he did so by mentioning three characteristics he admired of his grandfather: his spirit of prayer and love for meetings, his missionary spirit, and his spirit of generosity.
Jorge had a special place where he spent a lot of time in prayer. The great theme of his prayers was the mission; they prayed for missionaries, for people to study the Bible, for conversions, and for baptisms.
His missionary spirit and generosity had no limits. He made all his resources available, and made long trips in his horse-drawn carriages to have meetings, visit people, and share the gospel. He would return very late at night to his home, to continue taking d care of his animals and the wheat crops. However, the great sowing was with the seed of the gospel in the hearts of all his neighbors. He had a fire in his heart that burned and lit new fires.
Ellen G. White highlights the work of the pioneers this way: «Some of the men of experience and piety, who led out in this work, who denied self and did not hesitate to sacrifice for its success, are now sleeping in the grave . . . Their purity and devotion and self-sacrifice, their living connection with God, were blessed to the upbuilding of the work» (The Publishing Ministry, p. 26).
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