Daily Devotions for women’s 2021 Para el: 28 julio
«Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand» (Isaiah 41 : 10).
FEAR IS AN EMOTION that, on one hand, can paralyze you; on the other hand, it can mobilize you to face with courage what you fear. Fear can be caused by a variety of external stimuli, and the way our brains process them can put us on the edge of anxiety and loss of control. It cannot be denied that we live in a threatening world that constantly subjects us to dangers, both caused by nature and by other human beings. psychologists suggest that we can face our fears in three different ways:
Fear of the future seems to be one of the most frequent feeling. Uncertainty about what will come threatens the peace of millions of people throughout the world. A short time ago, I heard someone say, «I no longer feel safe in my own home.»
Being afraid is an unavoidable emotion, but we can choose the way we face it. Today’s verse has a great promise: The Lord is willing to take our hands and guide us, especially when we feel lost. He wants to help us make decisions, above all when we are in the midst of the uncertainty that causes our problems and difficulties.
It’s good to plan and think about future events; nevertheless, if we focus on this, it will keep us from enjoying what the present offers. The good thing is to know that God guarantees us that everything that happens to us is for our own good. His promise is this: «We know that all things work together for good to those who love God» (Romans 8:28).
Begin today by taking a step forward, by looking to the future with optimism, remembering that our redemption is near. Continue holding God’s hand, giving thanks for being able to count on His wonderful and sure protection while we are on this earth.
Today, you may say a prayer like this:
«Lord, these are my plans for this day that is beginning. Let me know your plans for me so that I may live in a thankful way and without uncertainty about what the future might bring.
Take From: Daily Devotions for Women’s 2021
BY: Erna Alvarado Poblete
Collaborators: Lorina Maya & Magda S
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