Do you know by what other name the Decalogue is known? it is also known as the law of God.
And do you know who wrote the Decalogue? God Himself wrote the Decalogue on two tablets of stone and handed them to Moses. In fact, God wrote them twice, because Moses broke the first tablets Cod gave him on Mount Sinai (you can read about it in Exodus 32:19).
Who was the Decalogue for? It was for the Israelites, but also for everyone who wants to belong to God’s people on this planet.
What is the purpose of the Decalogue? The Decalogue shows God’s character and if we obey it, we are happier. Therefore, its goal is to help us live better and more happily in this world.
Has the law of God ever changed? No, Jesus Himself came to this world to fulfill God’s law and said He had not changed a point or a letter of it.
How long will the Decalogue be applicable? god’s law is eternal. It existed before God created Adamand Eve, and it will always exist, because it shows the character of God and God is eternal.
The first four commandments of the Decalogue are a summary of how God wants us to relate to Him, and the other six commandments are a summary of how God wants us to behave with our fellow men. You can read all ten of them in Exodus 20:1-17.
Read Mark 12:29-31 and write in your Prayer Journal the summary Jesus made of the Decalogue.