«You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden» (Matthew 5:14).
Since my maternal grandparents had a house in a coastal city in Uruguay, I spent a lot of time at the beach ever since I was young. Every time we visited them, we walked on rocks, studied sea shells and observed sea life from the sand. I saw a lighthouse there for the first time and I’ve been fascinated by them ever since. In addition, at my house we always listened to the song «The Lighthouse, » by the Heritage Singers, which has beautiful lyrics I encourage you to look up.
I don ‘t know if you ‘ve ever seen a lighthouse or if you ‘ve ever been able to climb up to the top, where its light is, but let’s learn some of their characteristics today that can help us remember spiritual lessons.
Lighthouses are warning signals for sailors. With their powerful light, they let sailors know there’s firm land in that direction.
In ancient times, when there weren’t any electric lights yet, fires were lit, but the truth is lights have always been seen in high places.
In a lighthouse in Colonia, Uruguay, I found a sign with different facts. Among them, it mentioned the type of light it gave off, every how many seconds it shone, its location, its elevation above sea level, its focal range, etc.
That lighthouse in particular had been emitting light since January 24, 1857.
I don’t know how long your light has been shining, every how many seconds it shines or how far it reaches. But we do know that, as children of God, we have the responsibility to let our light shine and not hide it. Jesus says that as if it were obvious: a city on a hill cannot hide. It’s a half statement, a half camouflaged order.
Every lighthouse has a different pause rate. I don’t know if you often shine your light or if you shine at great intervals.
Although GPS and other modern systems have undermined the importance of lighthouses today, they’re still useful for nighttime sailing. It may seem like there are a lot of people with light around you, but in the end they prove they are sailing in darkness.
Make sure you’re being useful to others, proving that a child of God with a shining light is never obsolete. Guide them to the true light: Jesus, the Light of the world.