«For none of us lives for ourselves alone, and none of us dies for ourselves alone» (Romans 14:7, NIV).
WE DO NOT live for ourselves. We live for the Lord. And if that is not the case, we are not really living. It is simple to say, but complicated to apply.
There are two ways to look at life: through selfish lenses or through unselfish lenses. Selfishness. The selfish approach is individualistic, materialistic, and transitory, and it generates tensions, fears, struggles, phobias, and hatred. Looking at life through dark glasses limits our view of the outside.
Selfishness is the germ of pride and of ruin itself. It is an exaggerated love for ourselves. That was what ruined Lucifer. Ihe feeling of being a superman leads neither to serve nor help others.
Altruism. In contrast, Christ looked through other lenses, some that were very dear, that helped Him see others as a priority. That is why He said that «whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it» (Luke 9:24).
Unselfishness means seeking the good of the others in a selfless way, even against one’s own interests. The unselfish attitude is spiritual, with an eternal perspective; therefore, it promotes trust, peace, faith, hope, and love.
Others propose an intermediate path, something like «selfish altruism.» They base it on the premise that the divine commandment, «You shall love your neighbor,» is impossible to fulfill. They change the idea of loving one’s neighbor to wining the love of one’s neighbor. This is self-interested altruism, camouflaged; in essence, it is pure selfishness. And this does not serve either the one who is offering or the one who receives. It does not change the heart, only the outward behavior, it works intermittently and, in the long run, does not remain.
Paul claimed that no one «lives for ourselves alone.» Tie commitment of gratitude is so great that you live for others or you live for nothing. Living with others in mind is the evidence of Christ’s presence in our lives. He bought us for the infinite price of His blood, and He bought us to be His. «Whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s» (Rom. 14:8). It is not in isolated or intermittent occasions. The purpose of existence is not to live for ourselves, but to live through the Lord and for Him.
God has not created us to live in isolation, but to have fellowship with others. Building a relationship with God is also building bridges to others. Be sympathetic to others, look for ways to help invite people into your home to pray and study the Bible, and do acts of kindness without expecting anything in return.
Some look after themselves like a new coat kept in the closet, unworn, saved who knows for what occasion.
They only live for themselves.
How sad it would be to get old with pockets that are full and hands that never got tired from helping someone else.