Q: I’m under a lot of pressure from my friends at public school to dress the same way they do and do stuff with them that I know isn’t right. How can I be a Christian and still have friends at school?
A: I (Art) remember experiencing that kind of pressure when I was in the army. Whenever I would go through the food line in the mess hall, a group of guys who were serving always noticed that I would avoid the meat As soon as they saw me coming, they would snicker, point at me, and yell, “Hey, here comes that guy who don’t eat no meat!”
Then they would fall over laughing. Boy, was that embarrassing!
But after about six months of teasing. the guys realized I wasn’t going to bend. So instead of harassing me, they began to go out of their way to find something I could eat. Then they would say, “Hey, get this guy some cheese!»
Get the point? Stand up for what you believe, don’t bend to peer pressure, and you’ll earn your peers’ respect. Remember, a true friend will never encourage you to dishonor God or your conscience.