«His disciples came and woke him up, saying, ‘Lord, save us, we are perishing!» (Matthew 8:25).
It is said that, during a beautiful picnic as a child, Winston Churchill went swimming in the river with the gardener’s son, whose name was Alexander. It was hot and everything was quiet, until suddenly, the calm of that beautiful place was broken. Help! Help! Winston managed to shout as he sank into the water with a cramp.
Without thinking twice, Alexander swam to his aid, rescuing him and carrying him to dry land. When the Churchill family learned of what had happened, in gratitude they wanted to reward the gardener’s son and, discovering his desire to be a doctor, they offered to pay for his university studies. After many years, Winston and Alexander met again. It was during World War II, after the famous Tehran conference with Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin, that Churchill, being the British Prime Minister, fell ill with pneumonia. Given the seriousness of the situation, the king ordered that the best doctor in the United Kingdom be sought: Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of penicillin, the same one who had saved his life in childhood. After recovering from his illness, Churchill gratefully acknowledged: «It is very rare that a man can owe his life twice to the same savior.»
Certainly, it is very rare that a man can owe his life twice to the same savior. In fact, this story is believed to have been made up, based on hearsay. The truth is that each of us has been saved, not twice, but countless times by the same Savior. The Bible says that God tirelessly saves us from our fierce enemies and afflictions (Psalm 18: 3, 27). Jesus, whose name means “savior, saves us also from our sins (Matthew 1:21) and from eternal death (2 Timothy 1:10).
Christ Jesus rushes to the rescue of humanity that is drowning in the midst of difficulties and that is corrupted and sick from evil. He promptly helps all those who cry out, seeing his life sink, on the verge of perishing. It does not matter if the one who needs help is worthy of help or if he will have a way to reward his kindness. Before the cry «Lord, save us, we perish!», The blessed answer is offered:
«For I, Jehovah, your God, the Holy One of Israel, am your Savior» (Isaiah 43: 3).