Q: I don’t feel like I’m ready for heaven. This bothers me a lot. What can I do?
A: We’re glad to hear that you’re thinking about heaven, because guess what? The first step to getting there is wanting to go! But it sounds as though you’re worried whether you will make it or not, and that’s not so good.
First, it’s important to realize that it is Jesus’ death on Calvary that gains you entrance into heaven, not your own good deeds. When you accept His gift, this promise becomes your own: «I have written this to you who believe in the Son of God so that you may know you have eternal life» (1 John 5:13, TLB).
Here’s something to think about that may help as your friendship with Jesus grows each day. Imagine you pick up the daily newspaper and find this announcement: «Hidden in the Midwestern city of Wanna get is a gold treasure worth $1 million. Anyone locating it can keep it—tax-free!»
Wouldn’t you start to think about «going for the gold»? We sure would! But what would we need to find it? A map, of course! In a way, going to heaven is like going for that treasure. The Bible is our map (free, again!) and comes with a built-in Guide—Jesus working through His Holy Spirit.
When we follow the instructions on our «map» and go only where our loving Guide leads us, He automatically helps us be ready for heaven—every step of the way.