«The merciful man does good for his own soul, but he who is cruel troubles his own flesh» (Proverbs 11:17).
Several years ago, I spoke with a man who had suffered an accident that had left him a paraplegic. In his desire to walk again, he was willing to run all kinds of risks through various medical treatments. One day I told my wife, «The problem is not that he walks again, but why he wants to walk again.» In other words, what do we want to do with the health and life that God has given us?
Why is it important to care for our health? Is it an irrelevant matter in your life? In fact, the body is a sacred temple (1 Corinthians 6:19). It is the abode of the Holy Spirit. A temple is a place of worship. Therefore, it is necessary to abstain from polluting a sacred place with poor nutrition, abuse, excess, and bad habits, as well as psychoactive substances that destroy it, among other things. Rather, the human body should be a means of worshiping God. Any activity carried out by the human body should include worship of the heavenly Father. That doesn’t mean being prostrate on your knees all day. We must not forget that worship of the Lord is a daily bond that entails honoring Him through the different daily activities of life, such as working, cooking, studying, et cetera.
Today people are made to believe that in order to be happy it is necessary to take part in certain excesses, especially in health matters. Presumably, those who destroy their own body with their way of life are more blissful. But the Bible says that he who is faithful in the little things, will also be faithful in much (Luke 16:10). This means that good stewardship of an earthly body reveals a good character to receive a heavenly body (1 Corinthians 15:52-54). Actually, today’s life represents a kind of examination to know what interests move us. Through the use of elements such as our body, time, talents, and money, we reveal to the heavenly Father the nature of our character.
What will you do with the life that Christ died for? The fleeting passage through this world is to show the Lord the deep love and the firm desire to serve others.
The Bible says: «The merciful man does good for his own soul, but he who is cruel troubles his own flesh.» Taking care of your health reveals that you are a good person. Don’t forget it.