Q: Will a person who commits suicide be in heaven?
A: Keep in mind this simple truth: God is more interested in why we act than how we act. The Bible states, «The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart» (1 Samuel 16:7).
People take their own lives for many reasons. Some kill themselves because life has become more than they can handle. I only wish someone had introduced those people to their friend Jesus, who could help them face their challenges.
Others commit suicide because they’re ashamed of something terrible they did. Jesus could help here too by offering for-givenness and teaching them how to live with the results of their mistakes—even if that meant prison. Still others end their lives because they’re afraid of dying of a painful illness they’ve contracted, such as AIDS or cancer. They’d rather die peacefully than in agony. We can’t judge whether a suicide is sin because we can’t read thoughts and understand motives. But God can, and does. Rest assured that our heavenly Father takes into account every aspect of this human tragedy and reserves a place for that person in heaven if at all possible.
If you’re tempted to commit suicide, give God a chance to bring you hope and courage.
Allow Jesus to place answers in your mind. Be patient and listen for that still small voice that can turn despair into joy, and death into life eternal.