«He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds» (Psalm 147:3).
The Sonnenberg family went on vacation to Maine (USA) on September 15, 1979. They were stopping at a toll booth when, suddenly, a 40-ton truck smashed into their vehicle. Within seconds, their car was engulfed by flames and each passenger suffered numerous burns and wounds. Among them, the most seriously injured was twenty-two month old little Joel whose entire body was almost badly burned. De, spite the seriousness of his wounds, he managed to survive and had to endure more than 40 surgeries. The truck driver fled after the accident without caring about what had happened. However, nineteen years later, he got arrested and brought to court where he heard the testimony of each of the victims.
«We all have scars,» mentioned the mother.
– «I came to hear him say ‘I’m sorry,»‘ said the father, still suffering.
«Where is justice? » Joel asked, his disfigured face betraying love and mercy.
But none of them stopped there. After expressing their pain, each one concluded by saying: «I forgive you.»
They had forgiven the man who, due to carelessness, had caused them so much suffering and had stolen the childhood of an innocent and gentle child. Even so, the scars will remain. They will remain as a silent testimony of a driver’s irresponsibility and neglect. Neglect can also harm people and even though it is unintentional, it does not mean that the consequences are less serious.
Nevertheless, Joel Sonnenberg found a balm for his wounds. Thus, he declares: «Christ’s grace has no limits.» The unconditional love of God’s grace not only healed his wounds but also led him to forgiveness and brought meaning to his life. Far from being ashamed of his scars, by the grace of God, these became tools that allowed him to bring hope to people with similar limitations. Throughout the years, he was able to develop a ministry among the disabled people.
Likewise, God can heal your wounds. It does not matter if you are left with scars because God can transform them into instruments of His blessing to bring hope to those who are going through similar situations.
We will soon see the day when God will erase all our scars. Do you know that He will erase all of them except His? Except those which were caused by nails and thorns. Far from being ashamed of them, He will forever carry with Him the eternal testimony of His immeasurable love. A love we will never be able to fully understand. What a magnificent grace of God!