You’ve probably heard of Christian Lifestyle Magazine, a television program produced by Adventists at Faith for Today in California. Long before CLM existed, Faith for Today was headquartered in New York City, where the husband-and-wife team of Pastor and Mrs. William Fagal beamed words of hope to viewers. On one such broadcast they invited young people to write in for their own Junior Bible Course. «You’ll love it,» Pastor Fagal encouraged. «Just send a postcard to Faith for Today, Box 8, New York 8, New York.»
Gary wanted the course and ran for paper and pencil. Grabbing a postcard from his study desk, he began to write. The problem was that he’d forgotten the address. Wait, the boy mused. The man said «New York» a lot of times, so I’ll put that down. Hum. He also said something about 8, so I’ll include that. Gary scratched his head and frowned. What was the name of the television program? Oh yes. He kept talking about Jesus, so I’ll jot down that word too. There, that should do it!
The most amazing part of this story is that, when the postal clerk picked up the card from his mail sack, he didn’t even hesitate. He delivered the card to the correct address, and Gary soon had his Bible course.
How did that clerk know where to send a postcard labeled «Jesus, New York 8»? Simple. He’d seen the Faith for Today programs too!
If a postcard came to your town addressed to Jesus, would the mail carrier know to bring it to your house?