«Hear, my son, and receive my sayings, and the years of your life will be many’ (Proverbs 4:10).
The ark of the covenant represented the throne of God (Isaiah 6:15; Jeremiah 17:12; Psalm 11:4). The presence of the Lord was manifested over the mercy seat (Exodus 25:21, 22). No one could stand before it. Whoever did so would die. Only the high priest could have access before the ark once a year. There were three objects inside the ark: the tablets of the Ten Commandments (divine righteousness), the rod of Aaron that had budded, and a bit manna (divine mercy). The ark also served to communicate with God. It was a means to meet with the heavenly Father, It was a form of prayer.
Saul’s influence was disastrous for the spiritual life of the Hebrew people, but especially for those who made up his court. During his reign, the Israelite leaders stopped consulting God through the ark In fact, they stopped praying (1 Chronicles 13:3). Saul did not accept many of the heavenly Father’s counsels and ended up breaking his communication with God. It is incredible that many of the great decisions that affected the Israelites were made in an environment far from prayer. It took several years for these people with fundamental responsibilities in Israel to reconnect with the Lord through prayer. David’s arrival opened the door for prayer to become a relevant activity in that society again. Prayer is an activity that needs to be strengthened in life. It’s not easy to establish this habit. And on the contrary, it’s very simple to do away with it. A busy life, as well as the millions of visual and auditory stimuli, drive you away from prayer. Worries come along to suffocate you and suddenly it seems that nothing is effective. Then you face real emotional, financial, and spiritual hurricanes. You by everything, except for prayer. You feel frustrated and unable to move forward.
This morning I want to invite you to pray over any influence in your life. Let nothing and no one take you away from prayer. Do not let the bad example of a leader, director, or friend lead you to neglect your great source of strength. Even if your parents are not a good example of prayer, don’t follow their bad example. The example of the leaders of Israel must remind us that the neglect of prayer always affects other people. That is why we have to make more responsible decisions and devote more time to prayer.