«Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go» (Joshua 1:9).
ELIZABETH BLACKWELL (1821—1910) was the first woman doctor US history. This simple phrase is in itself impactful because of the that for women, practicing medicine as a profession was anything simple. Today, women have free access to a university education and to the professional arena in most countries of the world, but some time ago, it was like that. We owe this, in part, to women like Elizabeth.
Born in Britain, Elizabeth emigrated with her family to Cincinnati in United States, and it was not until her father’s death that she decided to medicine at the university. You can imagine what she came across: many universities rejected her request. Why? Because she was a woman. But there one, in New York, that accepted her, allowing her to become, in 1849, the female doctor of medicine in the history of the United States.
If you think that with that she achieved her goal, you are wrong. The were closed to her. «Devote yourself to practicing unofficial medicine,» she told. But she had her life goals clear; it was just that for the moment, she not receive the necessary support to achieve them.
The third setback she suffered didn’t stop her either. While treating a person, a purulent secretion splashed into one of her eyes, causing an that left her blind in that eye and prevented her from one day becoming a surgeon. In 1868, she founded a women’s medical college. She finally returned her home country, where she was able to practice as a gynecologist until retired.
While in the past women found it much more difficult to achieve noble goals and aspirations, today we also have to go through various trials vicissitudes. Many times, we are tempted to abandon or put aside our desires for improvement in life and education, because we have no support economic, emotional), or because we feel unable to achieve them. people such as Elizabeth Blackwell and others in history and, of course, Bible, are a source of inspiration for us. Friend, God is by your side. If you submit your plans to Him in prayer and see that they are in accordance with biblical principles, then be strong and courageous. Much harder battles than have been won with the Lord’s help.