» ‘And it shall come to pass that from one New Moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, all flesh shall come to worship before Me,’ says the Lord» (Isaiah 66:23).
IF YOU HAVE the privilege of visiting the city of Jerusalem on the Sabbath day, you will discover that it is a place filled with peace and tranquility. It is truly a unique experience for those of us who live on this other side of the map. In Jerusalem, during the hours of Shabbat, people basically stay at home with their families; public transport does not run during the whole day, so there does not seem to be any movement on the streets; businesses are closed; and the Jews abstain from working or traveling. If anything, the movement that is seen is the going to and coming from the synagogue.
It is difficult to find cities in the world where people, for the most part, rest on Sabbath as God’s commandment specifies. The observance of some of the other commandments is common, since most people do not kill, steal, or commit adultery (or if they do, it is so hidden that no one finds out about it), but to have most of a population keep the day of rest is not very common. Seeing that suddenly transports you to the New Jerusalem, where «from one Sabbath to another, all flesh shall come to worship before» the Lord (Isaiah 66:23).
In 2005, National Geographic magazine published an article about the three communities whose people live the longest in the world, and among those three were the Seventh-day Adventists of California, in the United States. %ere, where Loma Linda is located (a health institution of the Adventist Church), most of the population is Adventist, and their lifestyle is characterized by a healthy diet, physical exercise, Bible study that results in hope, and rest, especially one day each week: the Sabbath. The beneficial effects on health are enormous.
«Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy,» God commands. Although we should worship and serve Him all the days of the week, we should rest only one day, because that is what He has commanded. God is wise. He knows that you need a special day to recover physical and spiritual energy.
The Sabbath was instituted in Eden (see Genesis 2:2, 3); it was repeated on Sinai (see Exodus 20); it was kept by Jesus (see Luke 4:16); and it will be kept in the New Earth. Happy Sabbath, dear friend.