«Be helpful to all who may have doubts» (Jude 1 :22, CEV).
Doubt, hesitation, and dilly-dallying can generate tension and anxiety in people. Many doubts come to our mind, but we will consider some of the most important ones that are connected to the spiritual realm. The Bible is clear in stating that doubts are the opposite of faith, and that they can be obstacles in receiving great blessings (James 1:5-8). Even so, Thomas, John the Baptist, Nicodemus, and many others fought against the same doubts we are facing.
At twenty-two years old, Martin Luther joined the Augustine monastery in order to dedicate himself to fasting, prayer, good works and constant confession. But in the depth of his heart, he felt his sincerity and good works were not enough to free him from his sins in order to please God. After a short period of time, this young friar was ordained as priest and, afterwards obtained a doctoral degree in Bible studies at the University of Wittenberg, where he also taught theology. But the more he studied the Bible, the more obvious the mistakes were in the doctrines which he had believed in—the same ones taught by the Church. As a consequence, he had to face a great deal of external opposition, putting his own life at risk; not to mention his inner battles, which were not few. The book The Great Controversy speaks about how Luther pondered his thoughts, narrating: » ‘Art thou alone wise? Can everyone else be mistaken? How will it be, if, after all, it is thyself who art wrong, and who art involving in thy error so many souls, who will then be eternally damned?’ ‘Twas so I fought with myself and with Satan, till Christ, by His own infallible word, fortified my heart against these doubts.’ » (ch. 7, p 143).
What a wonderful example! All doubt that involves the spiritual world can be dispelled by the power of God’s Word. We can overcome doubts, like Luther, by grounding our beliefs on the Holy Word. » The language of the Bible should be explained according to its obvious meaning, unless a symbol or figure is employed.» (Ibid., ch. 37, p. 598). It is true that some passages can be more difficult to understand; however, instead of questioning the entire Scripture because of those singular passages, we can pay attention to the passages that we understand; thus, our faith will be strengthened.
Do you have doubts about God’s love or forgiveness? Do you think deeply about? your own religious experience? Do thoughts of doubt and fear invade you? You can cast them out through the infallible power of the Word of GOD
Taken from: Daily Devotions for Adults 2020
“A Cheerful Heart Is Good Medicine”
From: Julian Melgoza-Laura Fidanza
Colaboradores: Yudith C & Yony Martinez