«The glory of young men is their strength, and the splendor of old men is their gray head» (Proverbs 20:29).
Ernest M. Hemingway (1899-1961) wrote his work The Old Man and the Sea inspired by a fisherman from Havana (Cuba). Santiago is an old man who is no Ion. ger respected among fishermen because he has gone eighty-four days without fishing a single fish. Then he decides to go out and break with his bad streak But for that he must go beyond the rest of his companions, in spite of the dangers that entails. So he embarks on the voyage and manages to capture a huge fish with which he struggles with all his strength to subdue. Santiago is proud of his feat. He has achieved a great success, far superior to the young fishermen who make fun of him. When they see what he’s caught, the fishermen will know who he is. So he ties the huge fish to his little boat and embarks on the triumphant return to his home. But now he’s facing another problem: sharks. Little by little they eat the fruit of his catch until they completely devour the fish, much to the frustration of the old fisherman. Santiago arrives at the beach very tired and with only the skeleton of what would have been a good catch. Now no one will believe what he’s accomplished. He goes home very sad. But the fishermen observe the enormous skeleton that remains tied to Santiago’s boat and recognize the great feat of the old man.
Age is not an obstacle to reaching our goals in life. Success is not unique to young people. Whatever age you are, perseverance will produce pleasant fruit. The truth is that great achievements in life are not easily achieved. If you want to have a good catch, like Santiago, sometimes you have to go farther out than the rest of your companions. Besides, you have to fight with all your strength. But not always are do our efforts pay off as we would like, as it happened to Santiago, who observed with enormous frustration how the sharks devoured the fruit of his work. However, the old fisherman achieved the recognition and respect of those who looked down on him for his age.
Never make fun of old people. The elderly have experience, a great treasure that amounts to the strength of the young. Take advantage of their wisdom and listen to their advice. Recognize their achievements and virtues. You will see how much more you can learn than you could imagine.