“A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones” (Proverbs 17:22).
When we get sick, we usually turn to some treatment in order to restore our health. A treatment or therapy in medicine relates to a set of procedures whose goal is the healing or the relief from diseases. One of the most common therapies is the pharmacological one which consists in relieving the symptoms through medicines. This type of therapy has many side effects. Moreover, there are some truly astonishing data regarding their use. Did you know that more than half of the medicines are prescribed or sold inappropriately? Or that 50% of the patients do not take their medicine correctly? As you can imagine, the misuse of medicines can have harmful effects on our health.
Today’s Bible verse prescribes a very efficient drug that does not have negative side effects. On the contrary, those who use it laugh more frequently and strengthen the defenses of their body. Joy has an incredible healing power. This strong me •cine can be found in its basic versions generating laughter through humor. The well-know poem To Laugh While Crying by Juan de Dios Peza says that, bearing in mind the potential of humor, even the most famous doctor prescribed this therapy and was certain that it would boost the confidence of the most troubled of his patients. However, superficial joy that is produced by humor is not very effective even for the comedians themselves.
On the contrary, the most powerful versions of joy goes beyond light laughter; it has a powerful effect not only on the physical health but also on the mental and spiritual strength of the people. The King David tried this e of joy in different situations even when he went through conflicts and difficulties Ps. 35:9; 43:4). He felt and inspired joyfulness as he encouraged others through songs and worship (Ps. 95:1). He manifested joy when he relied upon the divine mercy despite his own mistakes (Ps. 94: 19). Above all, he experienced a deep joy when He admitted God’s presence in His life (Ps. 21:6).
This wonderful medicine is also available to us. Through daily communion, God’s presence can fill our heart with joy and produce healthy e ects on our body. «Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing. Then they said among the nations, ‘The Lord has done great things for them’. The Lord has done great things for us, and we are glad» (Ps. 126:2, 3).
Taken from: Daily Devotions for Adults 2020
“A Cheerful Heart Is Good Medicine”
From: Julian Melgoza-Laura Fidanza
Colaboradores: Yudith C & Alejandra Zavala