«And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come» (Matthew 24:14).
Today’s Bible verse contains a promise: Jesus will return to this world. At the same time, it includes a reproach in the sense that «had the purpose of God been carried out by His people in giving to the world the message of mercy, Christ would, ere this, have come to the earth, and the saints would have received their welcome into the city of God.» (Christian Service, ch. 9, p. 86). This means we have not done enough to finish the assigned work. There are still millions who do not know the truth!
There is a geographic region called the 10/40 Window, between 10 and 40 degrees north latitude which includes vast areas of Northern Africa, Southern Asia and Middle East. It is an area of difficult access for Christianity, and it is predominantly Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist. It includes approximately 65% of the world population, of which, 95% has not even heard of Christ.
Taking the gospel message to the countries from the 10/40 Window entails many obstacles related to religion, culture, and language that make it difficult for missionaries to access these places. To reach the target population, sometimes, great dangers are faced, putting lives at risk. Wars, famine, drought, and other similar circumstances have caused massive migrations. Currently, it is common to find people from Africa, Asia, and the Middle East in different parts of the world. The countries of Western Europe have been the preferred destination for this population. There, it is possible to share the message in English, French, Spanish, or Italian, among others.
While I was living with my family in Rome (L), we had neighbors from Nigeria, Egypt, and Afghanistan. At the market, we bought clothes and goods from people from India, Bangladesh, China, and Korea. The marketplace united people from almost all over the world, and we understood each other perfectly in Italian. Though we study the Bible with some of them, we always make sure to hand out Bibles and Christian books that will teach them to take Steps to Christ, which will guide them to The Desire of Ages, so they can make a transcendental decision in The Great Controversy between good and evil.
If you have the opportunity to share the message with people from the 10/40 Window, remember that «we are fast approaching the end. The printing and circulation of the books and papers that contain the truth for this time are to be our work.» (The Colporteur Evangelist, ch. 16, p. 97).
Taken from: Daily Devotions for Adults 2020
“A Cheerful Heart Is Good Medicine”
From: Julian Melgoza-Laura Fidanza
Colaboradores: Yidith C & Alejandra Zavala